Peering Forum MSK-IX 2022
The 17th MSK-IX 2022 Peering Forum took place in Moscow on December 9, 2022, returning as an in-person event after a two-year hiatus caused by the Covid pandemic and bringing together over 500 participants.
Yelena Voronina, Advisor to MSK-IX Director General, who has not only headed the company since its founding in 1995, but also created the Peering Forum, opened the conference. Having succeeded Ms. Voronina as MSK-IX Director General in April 2022, Yevgeny Morozov was the second speaker at the opening session. He presented the company’s new projects and highlighted the main trends for the telecommunications market with a special emphasis on information security. This was the overarching topic for all sessions during the Peering Forum.
The program consisted of six thematic streams and included presentations by the leading experts on the Russian telecommunications market, including representatives of major corporations, supervision agencies, non-profits and sectoral associations.